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    Since my childhood in Trinidad and Tobago I have always been a trendsetter, pioneer and avant-garde. I designed my own clothes, did my own hair, played my own music (and danced to it as well).
    Many people labelled me a rebel and indeed I was.
    It was never etched into my DNA to be commonplace or average. I rallied against anything that stifled, enslaved or suppressed the human spirit, nullified our potential or eliminated our creativity.
    In many ways, I have unconsciously become a voice for the voiceless. This voice is expressed via my designs which seek to activate the creative potential innate in others, to empower and to inspire them.
    Life is about relationships: how we communicate with each other and interact with our environment. The primary objective of my work is to provoke thought and initiate a loud dialogue in every sphere, be it in the streets, at the gym, at school, at work, at the church or at the synagogue. If you're an introvert or just generally quiet, my designs will help you to be heard--- even in your silence.


    We are all animals. There should be no lines or borders to begin with. We are all earthlings. To me life is to learn, and I strive to do this every day through movies, documentaries, readings, lectures, classes, conversations, experiences, art, and music. It was whilst watching “Food, INC” that something clicked in me. I was then driven to watch “Earthlings,” “Forks over Knives,” and “Cowspiracy.” I dare anyone to watch these harrowing accounts without being inspired to make a change for the better. To make a safer world for all of us living here on this planet. #trustplants In 2016, I was consuming 20 lbs of chicken, 15 lbs of beef & 12 lbs of fish every week. If I can become vegan, anyone can. In my entire six weeks of research, I could find nothing negative about this life choice. Turning back now, for me, would be impossible. I feed off of the energy of others, so I try to keep only good energy around me. For the most part, we are all intelligent beings, just in different realms. I try to learn as much as I can, so that I may share and help the people around me. To me, being successful means having worthwhile experiences, being humble, grateful, and free. 

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